The Qualium Systems mini_football team took the second place in the Middle IT League of Kharkiv
July 7, 2021
The Qualium Systems mini-football team took the second place in the Middle IT League of Kharkiv

This is the second year that our team participates in this tournament. Last year was marked by the championship in the Junior IT League, thanks to which this year we moved to the stronger Middle IT League. According to the results of the main tournament, the team finished fourth, which made it possible to play in the semifinals with a very strong and experienced Nix Solutions team. Thanks to serious preparation and concentration, the victory was won with a convincing score of 3: 0. In the final we played with the SYTOSS team. Unfortunately, in the first minutes of the match a goal was conceded, which broke us psychologically. The rival defended very competently and in a coordinated manner, they did not give an opportunity to score a return goal and deservedly won this game. This is a successful season for us, but we are striving for the championship in the new IT League in Kharkiv, which will start very soon, on the last weekend of September.

Elena Lukianova, Recruitment Specialist in Qualium Systems, attended Unity Development Event and discussed lifehacks and trends in job finding processes and QS Unity Internship
July 5, 2021
Qualium Systems Recruiter attended Unity Development Event to discuss career opportunities

Last week, Elena Lukianova, Recruitment Specialist in Qualium Systems, was invited to the Unity Development Event, where she spoke about the specifics of the admission process and internship training. Qualium Systems has opened the Unity Internship for Junior Unity Developers for several months as part of the XR application development area of focus. The participants of the event were interested to learn about the features of our area of focus – the development of AR / VR / MR solutions for various types of industries such as Education, Sport, Healthcare, Construction, etc. They asked questions about the company’s projects related to augmented and virtual reality. They were interested in technologies and work prospects. Qualium Systems is open to cooperation with young professionals and our Recruitment Department is always in touch.

Took part in VRAR Global Summit
June 11, 2021
Took part in VR/AR Global Summit

Last week, Mariia Kalashnyk, Business Development Manager, attended VR/AR Global Summit ONLINE on behalf of Qualium Systems. VR/AR Global Summits are world-class events bringing together the best knowledge and networking in VR and AR for enterprise, hardware, software and content providers from across the globe. Feeling extremely lucky and grateful for receiving lots of beneficial information from speakers and meeting so many inspiring people during the networking.

May 7, 2021
Qualium Systems has launched a 2-month Unity Internship in April

Consequently to the growing interest in immersive technologies, Qualium Systems is actively developing the direction of AR / VR / MR development. The increasing amount of projects requires a professional development team that is ready to handle complex tasks. Based on the demand, Qualium Systems has launched its first 2 month internship for Unity developers in April. During the training, interns have the opportunity to master the theoretical basis of development and apply new knowledge by solving training exercises that are directly linked to the company’s projects under the guidance of an experienced mentor. An important aspect is the availability of special equipment: HoloLens 2, Oculus 1-2. Also, interns will become familiar with the team, corporate culture and development approaches of Qualium Systems. Alexey, Senior Unity Developer, Internship Mentor While independence of interns in problem solving is important for us, we provide all the necessary resources to them. We do this so that when the internship is over, we get a specialist who is ready to contribute to solving real-world challenges. As a result of the internship, Qualium Systems will hire the best interns for Junior Unity developer positions.

Clutch Award
November 7, 2019
Qualium Systems wins Clutch Leader Award for Best Developers in Ukraine

Good news from Clutch!

Partnership with EUREKA Program
October 10, 2019
Partnership with EUREKA Program

Qualium Systems joins the European Research Coordination Agency program.

Why Startups Choose to Use Blockchain Technologies
May 10, 2018
Why Startups Choose to Use Blockchain Technologies

Many companies are finding various applicable areas where blockchain technology can be useful.

Most remarkable E-learning startups
May 8, 2018
Most Remarkable E-learning Startups

The E-learning startup platforms are increasing and improving by the day.

Healthcare Startups
April 26, 2018
Startups on Healthcare

Here are some of the startups on health care people should know about.