December 28, 2023
The Future of AR/VR with Tech Titans: Apple Vision Pro and Generative AI in 2024

The year 2024 stands at the forefront of transformative developments in the realms of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, driven by two technological powerhouses: the Apple Vision Pro and Generative AI. These innovations, each with its distinct capabilities, contribute indispensably to the evolving landscape of digital experiences. Apple Vision Pro: The New Standard In the ever-evolving landscape of Virtual Reality, Apple is poised to make a groundbreaking entrance with its highly anticipated Apple Vision Pro headset. The imminent release of this device is generating considerable excitement, as it is expected to not only elevate the standards of VR but also redefine the way users engage with immersive digital experiences. 1. Setting a New Standard: The Apple Vision Pro is not just another VR headset; it is anticipated to set a new standard in the market. Positioned to outperform competitors such as MagicLeap 2 and Hololens 2, Apple’s foray into VR is characterized by a commitment to excellence and a drive to surpass existing benchmarks. The Vision Pro aims to usher in a new era of VR technology, raising the bar for performance, features, and user experience. 2. Redefining Engagement with VR: The impact of the Apple Vision Pro is not confined to technical specifications alone; it extends to the very essence of how users will engage with VR. Leveraging Apple’s design prowess, this headset aims to provide a more natural, intuitive, and immersive interaction with virtual environments. From the moment users put on the headset, they are likely to experience a seamless blend of technology and design that enhances the overall VR experience. 3. Riding the Wave of Innovation: Apple’s entry into the VR landscape signifies a broader trend of innovation within the technology industry. As the Vision Pro prepares to make its debut, it symbolizes the culmination of years of research, development, and a dedication to reimagining how we interact with digital content. The headset is poised to ride the wave of technological innovation, bringing forth a product that not only meets but exceeds user expectations. With a commitment to setting new standards, leveraging design expertise, and offering superior features and performance, this highly anticipated headset is poised to leave an indelible mark on the VR landscape. Read more: Generative AI As we step into 2024, the horizon for Generative AI appears even more promising, building on the foundations laid in 2023. This transformative technology, capable of creating content autonomously, is poised to revolutionize various facets of our digital experiences. 1. Creating Immersive Digital Realities Generative AI’s prowess extends beyond its initial applications. In 2024, we anticipate an accelerated ability to create entire digital worlds and environments with unprecedented realism. From sprawling landscapes to intricate cityscapes, Generative AI is set to become a cornerstone in the construction of immersive digital realms. 2. Realistic Character Generation One of the standout features of Generative AI lies in its capacity to craft lifelike characters. In the coming year, we can expect significant advancements in generating realistic avatars, NPCs (Non-Player Characters), and entities within virtual spaces. This evolution will contribute to more engaging and authentic virtual experiences, blurring the lines between the real and the artificial. 3. Efficiency in 3D Environment Creation Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of expediting the creation of 3D environments through Generative AI reflects a broader trend. In 2024, the technology is likely to streamline and enhance the efficiency of 3D design processes. This not only reduces the time and resources required for content creation but also empowers creators to bring their visions to life more rapidly. 4. Customizable and Diverse Content Generative AI’s adaptability will play a pivotal role in diversifying content creation. Expect a surge in customizable elements within digital environments, allowing for a more personalized and dynamic user experience. This could range from dynamically generated landscapes in virtual worlds to tailored character appearances, enriching the variety and uniqueness of digital spaces. 5. Collaboration with Other Technologies In 2024, Generative AI is likely to intertwine with other emerging technologies, amplifying its impact. Collaborations with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices may lead to the seamless integration of AI-generated content into our physical surroundings, further blurring the boundaries between the virtual and the real. 6. Ethical Considerations and Safeguards As Generative AI becomes more ingrained in content creation, ethical considerations will come to the forefront. The year 2024 will see heightened discussions about responsible AI use, potential biases in generated content, and the need for robust safeguards. Striking a balance between innovation and ethical deployment will be imperative for the sustainable development of Generative AI. As the year unfolds, expect Generative AI to not only contribute to the evolution of virtual realities but also spark crucial conversations about the ethical dimensions of AI-driven content creation. The Crucial Synergy: Transforming Augmented Experiences The confluence of the Apple Vision Pro and Generative AI in 2024 marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of AR and VR technologies. Apple’s commitment to setting new standards and Generative AI’s capacity to create immersive digital realities form a synergy that promises to redefine how we live, work, and interact in the digital age. While the Vision Pro enhances the hardware and user experience, Generative AI contributes to the content creation process, ensuring a more diverse and personalized digital landscape. As the immersive experiences of 2024 unfold, the Apple Vision Pro and Generative AI stand as testaments to the industry’s commitment to innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the digital realm. Together, they create a narrative of transformative advancements that will shape the way we perceive and engage with digital realities in the years to come.

December 7, 2023
Personal Efficiency vs. Company Efficiency While Working Remotely

Over the past two years, my role as Head of Delivery at Qualium Systems has exposed me to the dynamics of remote work. Remote work is a nuanced topic, with varying perspectives on its advantages and challenges. Some view remote jobs as a liberating solution, offering flexibility, autonomy, and the ability to work from virtually anywhere. However, analyzing the performance of each team member, including myself, in remote work conditions led to a notable revelation. Remote Work’s Positive Impact Discarding ineffective or unproductive employees and focusing solely on dedicated team members resulted in a 15-25% overall increase in efficiency compared to office work. Factors contributing to this improvement include: No wasted time commuting to the office. Less unnecessary chit-chat and idle talk by the water cooler or coffee machine. No need to spend time searching for a meeting room or juggling between different tasks (meetings, colleague questions, etc.). All of this adds up to a boost in personal efficiency. Furthermore, I’ve noticed a positive overall trend: our team members are putting in more work hours than when we were working in person! Navigating Challenges of Remote Collaboration Examining the company’s efficiency during full-time remote work reveals a more intricate situation. While remote work enhances personal productivity, certain processes, such as testing new technologies or conducting internal presentations, become logistically challenging and time-consuming. Read also: 5 Things Project Managers Should Pay Attention To Now, let’s delve into a scenario where we want to try out a new library or technology in a Proof of Concept (POC) format or conduct a presentation demonstration with internal costs. In the offline setting, it’s a straightforward process: Identify an available engineer. Provide the engineer with the necessary devices (glasses, tablet, mobile device, etc.) required for the library, or develop a visual demonstration. Develop, test, and publish the demonstration material. Record a demonstration video and share it on social media. Now, let’s take a peek at how the process unfolds under remote work conditions: Finding Available Engineers: Identifying available engineers remains straightforward. Logistics and Device Distribution: Managing numerous devices for each team member becomes a logistical challenge, requiring extra time for distribution. Increased Meeting Time: More time is spent on 1-2 meetings compared to the initial step. Quality Compromises: The remote setup may compromise the quality of demonstrations or miss certain UX functionalities due to limitations. Video Production Challenges: Recording a demonstration video at home poses technical challenges, potentially affecting the quality or time spent. As you can see, the challenges are evidently more pronounced when it comes to testing new libraries or technologies remotely. Striking a Balance for Maximum Efficiency In conclusion, personal efficiency can thrive in remote work, but company efficiency may face challenges. Striking the right balance involves carefully analyzing company processes and seeking optimal solutions to support collaboration and employee productivity.

November 28, 2023
Enhancing Dental Education: The Role of Haptic Feedback in Preclinical Training

Dental education is a demanding discipline, requiring students to develop precise manual dexterity, particularly in preclinical restorative dentistry. In the past, students have been trained using conventional phantom heads or mannequins, offering a simulated but less tactile experience for practising procedures. However recent advancements in haptic feedback technology have transformed preclinical dental education, providing a more immersive and tactile training experience! The Importance of Haptic Feedback in Dental Education In dental education, the development of psychomotor skills is paramount. Dental students must hone their manual dexterity to perform procedures with precision and efficiency. Traditionally, students have trained on phantom heads, but these models lack the realistic tactile sensations experienced during real clinical procedures. Furthermore, the use of plastic teeth in these training models not only fails to replicate the natural variability of real teeth but also raises environmental concerns due to plastic waste. Obtaining natural human teeth for training purposes is also challenging due to ethical constraints. Haptic feedback technology has emerged as a game-changer in dental education. Haptic devices, such as Simodont, provide realistic tactile force feedback, allowing students to practice procedures on virtual patients. This technology offers several advantages: Realistic Sensations: Haptic technology simulates the resistance and pressure experienced in real clinical settings, enhancing students’ motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity. Safe and Controlled Environment: Haptic-based training allows students to practice dental operations indefinitely in a safe and controlled environment without the risk of harming a living patient. Personalized Feedback: The technology can provide personalized feedback to students, helping them identify areas where they may be applying too much or too little pressure and deviations from the proper trajectory. Limitations of Conventional Phantom Head Training Despite the advantages of traditional phantom head training, it has several limitations: Lack of Realistic Tactile Sensations: Phantom heads do not provide the tactile feedback experienced in real clinical settings, which can hinder students’ skill development. Environmental Concerns: The use of plastic teeth in phantom heads leads to plastic waste, contributing to environmental issues. Limited Reproducibility: Real patient procedures are not repeatable for practice, limiting students’ exposure to various clinical scenarios. Read also: Empowering Doctors And Patients: How Augmented Reality Transforms Healthcare How VR and AR Address These Limitations Haptic feedback devices, when integrated with VR and AR technologies, offer solutions to the limitations of traditional training methods: Realistic Tactile Sensations: VR and AR technologies create immersive virtual environments that replicate real clinical scenarios, enhancing the realism of training. Personalized Learning: These technologies allow for personalized feedback and performance evaluation, enabling students to identify and correct errors in real-time. Unlimited Reproducibility: VR and AR enable students to practice procedures repeatedly in diverse and realistic scenarios, ultimately improving their clinical competence. The integration of haptic feedback technology in dental education, especially when combined with VR and AR, has revolutionized preclinical training for dental students. It addresses the limitations of traditional training methods by providing realistic tactile sensations, personalized learning, and unlimited reproducibility!

October 18, 2023
Beyond the Screen: Integrating WEART Haptic Devices for a Multi-Sensory Enterprise Experience

Navigating the intricate maze of technological progress and human engagement reveals a constantly shifting terrain. Haptic devices stand out as the vanguard in this revolution, and WEART is undoubtedly leading the charge. In this expanded discourse, we at Qualium Systems, specialists in custom IT engineering, explore the engineering marvels and the expansive business applications of WEART’s pioneering haptic technology. The Technical Ecosystem: A Deeper Dive Hardware Innovation: More than Just Touch WEART’s devices go beyond mere simulation to recreate tactile sensations intricately. The wearables make use of cutting-edge actuators and sensors to offer a wide spectrum of tactile experiences, from the velvety softness of a petal to the ruggedness of a rock. 1. Actuators: Employing both mechanical and electronic components, actuators deliver precise tactile feedback. They play a crucial role in mimicking various textures, thermal cues and forces, pushing the boundaries of what users can ‘feel’ digitally. 2. Sensors: These aren’t your everyday touch sensors. WEART’s sensors can detect minute changes in pressure and movement, making the haptic interface responsive and incredibly realistic. Software Engineering: Facilitating Haptic Integration Qualium Systems takes pride in offering SDKs compatible with both Unity and Unreal Engine, making the integration of WEART’s groundbreaking haptic features easier than ever. 1. Unity & Unreal Engine SDKs: These engines are favored by developers for their ease of use and flexibility. Our SDKs are tailored for these platforms, offering rapid prototyping and high-fidelity rendering capabilities. 2. Custom APIs: Our SDKs come with a range of APIs that allow you to fine-tune the haptic experience to align with specific use-cases or requirements. 3. Data Analytics: The SDKs also include telemetry functions that capture key metrics. Businesses can assess user engagement in real-time, modifying experiences for better interaction. Expanded Case Study: The Transformational Power of Haptic Technology in VR Chemistry Lessons A Paradigm Shift in Science Education Our VR Chemistry Lessons App is a landmark example of how WEART’s haptic technology can revolutionize education. Typically, the teaching of chemistry has relied heavily on theoretical knowledge, supplemented occasionally by lab experiments. The WEART-enabled VR Chemistry App changes this equation dramatically. 1. Molecular Vibration: For the first time, students can tangibly feel the vibrations and movements of molecules, providing an entirely new dimension to understanding kinetic energy. 2. Chemical Reactions: Imagine the educational impact of feeling the heat dissipate in an exothermic reaction or the sudden cold in an endothermic process. It’s not just theory; it’s practically hands-on learning. 3. Substance Interaction: Different elements and compounds come with unique textures and properties. Our app lets students ‘touch’ these materials virtually, further enriching their understanding. The Birth of Dynamic Learning Environments The integration of WEART’s technology moves education from a unidimensional, rote-learning model to a multi-sensory, experience-driven paradigm. This shift is monumental in helping students better retain and apply complex scientific concepts. Business Implications: Why This Matters to You Economic Efficiency: Beyond Cost Savings Integrating WEART’s haptic devices significantly reduces the overheads associated with conventional training methods. Virtual reality setups eliminate the need for physical resources and spaces, making training efficient and cost-effective. Customer Experience: A New Frontier Introducing a tactile component to your services enhances the overall user experience. Whether it’s a virtual showroom or an online educational platform, the added layer of tactile interaction can make your services unforgettable. Competitive Strategy: The First-Mover Advantage In a market that is continually evolving, early adoption of new technologies like WEART’s haptic devices can give you a significant edge. It’s not just a matter of staying current; it’s about leading the charge in the new age of digital interaction. Final Remarks: The Road Ahead The amalgamation of WEART’s groundbreaking haptic technology with Qualium Systems’ expertise in software development is a game-changer. Whether you’re an innovator in the technical sphere or a forward-thinking business owner, the era of multi-sensory computing has arrived. The scope of what this technology can achieve is only limited by our imagination. At Qualium Systems, we’re excited to be your partners in this exhilarating journey into the future.

August 18, 2023
Elevating Hospitality: Evolution of VR in Hotels

Today, modern technologies provide incredible opportunities in numerous areas, including the hotel business. This technology creates a deep connection between the guest and the hotel, overturning the usual idea of hospitality. Virtual reality allows you to surprise guests with immersive unique experiences that are not only exciting but also facilitate the activities of the establishments themselves. In this article, we’ll look at how virtual reality revolutionizes the hospitality industry and helps to deliver unparalleled guest experiences. Exploring Diverse Dimensions of VR in Hospitality There are several main areas where virtual reality is most often used in the hotel industry, including virtual tours, staff training, and VR entertainment.  Enhancing Guest Experiences through VR VR hotel tours are one of the most popular directions where virtual reality is typically when dealing with  hospitality. Before checking in, guests can take a trial visit to the property in VR to assess the hotel environment. This technique will help to better understand where exactly they want to stay, in which room, and whether this hotel meets the requirements. “One of the reasons why VR marketing has taken on a viral tone, arises from the fact, that guests will be provided with a hands-on point of view when making an important booking decision. Using such technology clearly illustrates that the property in question is keeping abreast of the latest digital trends. Today, VR tours can be easily placed on an online platform, through the rise of cost-effective software packages,” according to Keystone Hospitality Property Development. For example, the Atlantis Dubai Virtual Tour shows future customers what the hotel looks like, starting with the exterior and ending with the appearance of the hotel rooms. The experience was filmed in the 360o format. Thriving Frontier of VR Entertainment in Hotels Once your guests have checked into their hotel rooms, they should receive high-quality entertainment offered by the hotel chain itself. These can be virtual reality rooms for guests to spend their free time. For example, the Polish spa resort Czarny Potok also has a virtual reality room where visitors can play various games in VR headsets. In addition, virtual reality can be used as a preview of real entertainment available. Before your guest tries, for example, sightseeing, they can get a preview of a tourist destination they could go to. Consider a VR tour of the ancient city of Petra in Jordan. Read also: Virtual Tours of National Parks. Discovering Nature’s Beauty through AR and VR Navigating Future of Hotel Reservations through VR Another area of virtual reality that is developing in the hotel industry is VR booking. Similar to virtual sightseeing, a user can see the chosen vacation spot for themselves, though the range of possibilities of VR booking is wider.  So, a VR headset user sees a digital globe of the Earth in front of them and decides on the point where they want to go. Next, they interact with a 3D model of the plane, which clearly shows the seats that can be reserved. Moreover, there is an opportunity to rent a car and choose the price of this rental. With virtual booking, users can select a payment method by scanning and adding a digital credit card. Virtual booking from Amadeus IT Group provides such options to users with VR glasses. VR’s Role in Transforming Hotel Staff Training In the hotel industry, virtual reality is used not only to serve customers but also to improve customer service. Virtual reality training, which fully reproduces the real work environment in digital reality, is an effective tool to improve the efficiency of hotel staff. For example, the Best Western Hotels chain recorded a 71% decrease in the number of customer complaints after the introduction of VR training. Virtual training is already used by the famous Hilton network. In this training, employees use VR headsets to immerse themselves in the digital space that reproduces the hotel.There, they perform various tasks typical for the hotel staff: cleaning the room, preparing a cart with lunch, and checking in guests.    The integration of virtual reality marks a revolutionary step towards improving the guest experience and redefining the hospitality industry. With the introduction of virtual reality in hotels, guests are no longer limited by physical boundaries. Virtual tours of hotels and attractions allow them to go on exciting journeys and explore these places without leaving their homes. Once a decision is made, users can completely organize their own trip through VR booking in a gamified form. Virtual reality in the hospitality industry has also paved the way for more comfortable and faster service with the help of VR training for hotel staff. The combination of technology and hospitality has created a new dimension of travel planning where potential guests can virtually walk through hotel rooms, imagine their stay, and make informed decisions. Image: Freepik

August 8, 2023
Tactile Training: Revolutionizing Hazardous Industry Preparation with XR and Haptic Technologies

This article was written by our CEO Olga Kryvchenko and originally published on Linkedin. To get more biweekly updates about extended reality, subscribe to Olga’s XR Frontiers LinkedIn newsletter. The power of touch has long been recognized as a potent sensory modality. With the rise of Extended Reality (XR) technologies, touch, or more precisely, haptic feedback, has found its profound significance. Especially in hazardous industries, where direct training poses risks, XR combined with haptic feedback offers a revolutionary approach. Understanding Haptic Feedback At its core, haptic feedback simulates the sense of touch and movement. This tactile feedback, when incorporated in digital interfaces or XR environments, provides users with realistic sensations ranging from a gentle breeze to a jolt from a virtual electric shock. The Evolution of Haptic Devices While the rudimentary concept of haptic technology revolves around vibrations, contemporary haptic devices offer far more intricate feedback. – Glove-based Systems: Pioneering the future of touch in XR, these gloves simulate intricate textures, temperatures, and resistances. Users can virtually touch a hot surface or feel the graininess of sand. – Vest Systems: These aren’t your average vests. They’re equipped to simulate everything from the impact of a bullet to the gentle tap on the shoulder. – Treadmills and Platforms: Beyond letting users walk or run in a virtual space, these devices offer gradients, and resistances, and even simulate different terrains. – Haptic Controllers: These handheld devices can simulate weight, resistance, and more. They’re often used in XR setups where precision is required, like machinery operation or surgical training. Spotlight: Some XR Haptic Innovations 1. Manus Meta Gloves: Advanced haptic gloves that simulate intricate tactile experiences within virtual spaces, ideal for hazardous industry simulations. 2. SenseGlove: Offering unparalleled haptic feedback, this device simulates realistic touch sensations, ensuring authentic training experiences in hazardous industries. 3. Electric Haptic Vest: A revolutionary vest that provides electric haptic feedback, enabling users to feel virtual impacts, touches, and temperature changes, enhancing training realism. These innovations are setting the benchmark for immersive XR training in high-risk sectors, ensuring both safety and efficacy. Incorporating Haptics in XR Training for Dangerous Industries Haptic feedback is not just a fancy addition; it’s a necessity in industries where mistakes can be catastrophic. 1. Realistic Hazard Simulation: XR environments equipped with haptic feedback allow trainees to understand and feel dangerous situations, like the rumble of an impending mine collapse or the heat from an electrical malfunction. 2. Skill Refinement: Fine motor skills can be honed in a virtual space. Imagine a trainee learning to operate a chainsaw; with haptic feedback, they can feel the tug, the resistance, and even the vibration, all without the real danger. 3. Emergency Protocols: Virtual emergencies can prepare employees for real-world crises. These drills aren’t just visual or auditory; haptic feedback ensures they are physically intuitive. Looking Ahead: The Future of Haptic XR Training The fusion of haptic devices and XR promises a future where training for even the most hazardous jobs is thorough, intuitive, and above all, safe. As the fidelity of haptic feedback continues to improve, the line between virtual training and real-world operation will further blur, leading to a workforce that’s adept and prepared for any challenges. In an era dominated by technological advancements, haptic feedback stands out as a game-changer for XR training in dangerous industries. It’s not just about seeing or hearing; it’s about feeling, and that tactile element ensures that trainees are not only knowledgeable but are also instinctively prepared for real-world scenarios. Image: Freepik

August 4, 2023
Empowering Doctors and Patients: How Augmented Reality Transforms Healthcare

In healthcare, technological advances are constantly changing approaches to patient care and physician training. And augmented and mixed reality are among such innovations that have captured the attention of both healthcare professionals and researchers. Thanks to AR and MR, there are new ways to sharpen the work of surgeons and present educational materials for students and interns who are learning to work with patients. In this article, we will explore in detail the intricacies of mixed and augmented reality in healthcare and explore their applications and benefits. Primary Benefits  Modern hospitals are increasingly paying attention to augmented reality because it provides doctors and patients with such benefits as Improving processes visualization in education. As it has been repeatedly proven, immersive technologies can significantly improve the success rate of students who will become doctors. The first case is a digital visual accompaniment to books on the study of anatomy, which allows you to understand the structure of the human body better. The second one is interaction with a digital human body, which is an alternative to autopsies of real ones in cases when medical students do not have the opportunity to visit a real morgue. In addition, through a smartphone screen or MR glasses, students can independently interact with the digital organs of the body and learn more about their components. Read also: Augmented Reality Books: Next Chapter in Interactive Reading  Reducing the percentage of medical errors. The introduction of immersive technologies in hospitals and medical facilities reduces the percentage of medical errors, some of which can even lead to fatal consequences: from an incorrect diagnosis to an error during surgery. So, 40,000 to 80,000 patients die every year due to doctors’ mistakes. To reduce patient mortality and optimize the process of diagnosis and treatment, doctors are introducing augmented reality for training interns and AR-projection for training and direct operations. Increasing patient engagement. Visual digital content that can be interacted with allows not only professionals but also patients to better familiarize themselves with the processes in their own bodies. And augmented reality can be useful for studying the algorithm of health care and rehabilitation, where immersive technologies transform classic monotonous exercises into an exciting, gamified process. Read also: Virtual Reality is the innovative way of patient’s recovery  Spotlighting the Effective Use Cases of AR and MR AR at the Operating Table: Inspiring Applications Shaping Surgery’s Future With the help of augmented and mixed reality, collaborations between doctors during surgeries become easier and more accessible. Especially when experienced doctors need to advise young interns during complex surgical procedures. Like, for example, the Proximie medical AR platform for professional specialists, which allows them to virtually move into the operating room and consult other specialists from the beginning to the end of a complex procedure. A device, connected to the Internet, allows a doctor not only to see the entire process of the operation but also to superimpose body scans and X-rays on the patient’s body and point out to another specialist the areas that he should pay attention to. How AR and MR Revolutionize Symptoms Recognition in Healthcare Augmented reality training will help doctors determine the symptoms of a patient’s disease in a certain organ of the body. An example of such an application is the EyeDecide app created by OrcaMD, which allows you to simulate the activity of the human eye during a particular disease. This application was created so that doctors could more clearly show patients the consequences of a particular disease. For example the patient can learn about how the eye with cataract disease sees. AR and MR’s Impact on Medical Training Success Virtual and augmented reality training has long proven its effectiveness due to the fact that the employee acquires new knowledge and consolidates new skills in the most realistic environment. AR training for physicians is no exception. Like, for example, the CAE AresAR app that was built for medical students who use Microsoft Hololens 2. In this application, students learn the structure of the human body using the example of a digital copy of it lying on a real hospital bed. Also, doctors and students can interact with digital organs and study not only their structures but also how they work. For example, the video shows students zooming in on a digital model of a beating heart. Read also: How To Improve Your Manufacturing With VR Training  How AR and MR are Reshaping Patient Evaluation Besides of the professional help of doctors, patients can independently monitor the state of their own health. Augmented reality can give even greater independence in self-treatment and rehabilitation, with the visual digital content superimposed on the real world, they get more information about the state of their body and get more familiar with instructions on how to behave during a deterioration of health. This option for patients is provided by the Know My Beat AR application, developed by British specialists. With this application, patients can independently monitor their own pulse and also learn to identify the symptoms of fibrillation themselves.   Augmented and mixed reality provides innovative and comfortable treatment of patients in various directions — from surgeons who receive AR instructions in real time to medical students who work with complex anatomical models. Thanks to digital technologies, doctors can quickly and clearly learn the skills of treating patients and reduce the percentage of medical errors. Meanwhile, patients can actively participate in their treatment plans through interactive visualization. As we look to the future, the convergence of AR with healthcare promises even more breakthroughs — from improved diagnostic accuracy to personalized therapeutic interventions. Image: Freepik

July 28, 2023
Augmented Reality Books: Next Chapter in Interactive Reading

In the era of social media and binge-watching series on streaming services, people seem to be gradually forgetting about reading paper books. And this concern is confirmed by statistics from Wordsrated, which shows that in 2022, more than half of Americans have not read a single book. How can you solve this problem and develop modern literature? In this case, augmented reality can come to the rescue, allowing readers to go on interactive journeys blurring the lines between fiction and reality. In addition, AR experiences that appear on the pages are also actively used for educational textbooks, which help teachers better familiarize students with the subject being studied. In this material, you will learn in more detail how modern immersive technologies contribute to the development of a paper book and motivate the audience to read. Augmented Reality Books: Exploring Magic Between Pages and Screens Augmented reality books, also known as a-books, are paper books that contain markers on their pages that activate AR. Immersive digital content is brought to life with the help of smartphone applications. This function allows you to better visualize the concepts that the author of the book wanted to convey to their audience. To activate augmented reality for a book, a reader must download a smartphone app that uses a camera to scan pages with QR codes or 2D images. Thus, a-books combine the additional possibilities of modern digital technologies and the traditionalism of real paper books. For example, specialists at the Institute of Advanced Technologies at the University of Surrey are actively developing books with augmented reality, which will provide additional multimedia information along with the text on the pages. Read also: What’s The Difference Between VR, AR and MR “I’m not suggesting that this is going to be augmenting every single book, but there would be maybe fantasy novels, or user manuals, children’s books where you get all sorts of content coming out of the book; potentially wedding albums, where you could have a very precious item in itself and that would be the link to some multimedia, videos, and things like that,” said Dr. Radu Sporea, senior lecturer of the Institute of Advanced Technologies.  Empowering Next Generation of Learners with AR Books In terms of education, augmented reality provides an opportunity for students to go beyond just reading theoretical material with 2D images. WIth AR, students have a chance to see the material being studied from all angles and even interact with it. Such a function is especially relevant for many subjects, from geometry and physics to foreign languages and history. When children and teenagers study these sciences using augmented reality, their concentration level during the learning process is proven to increase. About 72% of students said they were more likely to participate in an AR-powered studying process.  Read also: Augmented Reality: Secret Weapon for Boosting Your Child’s Creativity and Imagination  For example, an illustrated guide with an augmented reality mobile app was released for Japanese English learners. By pointing the smartphone screen at the pages of the textbook, the student sees the animated characters of the book in front of them in AR and also listens to their dialogue. Thus, augmented reality not only makes learning more interactive but also allows you to save on audio cassettes and discs, which are usually included with textbooks for learning a foreign language. In addition, augmented reality can be useful in learning art, where the visual is a key component. Like, for example, a concept from the Torch company, supplemented the book on the art of Ancient Greece with AR projections of famous sculptures, bas-reliefs, and other works. Instead of just reading about these works and seeing photos that only show one angle of them, readers can explore the statues in their entirety and from all angles in the AR mode. Exploring AR Books in Fiction: Where Imagination Takes Flight Speaking about fiction, the main function of the book is to immerse readers in the world skillfully written by the author, to convey a certain moral of the story, or simply entertain and distract the reader from routine. Augmented reality for books makes the story more three-dimensional and allows you to more clearly show the author’s original idea and immerse the reader in his imagination. In addition, augmented reality for books is an effective and interesting way to attract the attention of young people to books. According to the American Psychological Association, one in three teens in America hasn’t read a book in a year, attributing it to social media and gaming. The gamified process of reading a book, whether it is a standard fiction or a comic book, can interest a young audience in reading. In this way, they not only read textual descriptions but also see three-dimensional images of the characters and their environment. Nine out of ten children said they would read more books if they contained augmented reality. Moreover, AR is able to attract the audience of a book franchise that has already gained worldwide popularity. In 2012, a book with augmented reality “Wonderbook™: Book of Spells” based on the universe of “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling was released for PlayStation. A specially prepared Wonderbook (marked book) activates digital AR content that transforms the book into an ancient spellbook. The experience is possible with the Playstation Eye camera and a controller that turns into a magic wand in augmented reality. Augmented reality has created new opportunities for audiences who can read books and interact with digital visual content on their pages. Thus, the gap between the author’s idea and the reader’s imagination is greatly reduced when they see the universe and its characters. For teachers, augmented reality is a convenient tool that helps to more easily convey the studied subject, thereby positively affecting the concentration of students. AR technology is an effective way to support the book business, as augmented reality complements the traditional reading experience instead of replacing it. Image: Freepik

July 25, 2023
Transforming Education, Not Replacing Educators: Unveiling the Power of Extended Reality in Classrooms

This article was written by our CEO Olga Kryvchenko and originally published on Linkedin. To get more biweekly updates about extended reality, subscribe to Olga’s XR Frontiers LinkedIn newsletter. Hello, LinkedIn readers! Today, I want to dive into an exciting topic that’s been rippling through the landscape of education – Extended Reality (XR). Let’s start with a quick clarification. By XR, I mean the whole suite of technologies that include Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). Each of these has distinct features, but they all share a common goal: to blend the digital world with the real world in meaningful ways. Now, there’s been a lot of buzz lately about how XR is set to replace traditional classroom settings and the teacher’s role within it. However, I’d like to gently steer the conversation in a different direction. XR isn’t here to replace our beloved teachers but to adjust and enhance the learning process. It’s a tool, not a teacher substitute. To help illustrate this, I’ll be sharing a few examples from across the YouTube landscape. First, let’s take a look at the CurioXR channel on YouTube. This fantastic platform creates XR educational content that breaks complex topics down into immersive experiences. Take, for example, their interactive lessons on the solar system. Students can walk around the planets, watching as the solar system spins and works in real-time. Next, let’s discuss an impressive use of XR in the field of chemistry. I’d like to direct your attention to this VR Chemistry lessons app showcased on YouTube. Imagine being a student and having the ability to interact with atomic models in 3D, conduct experiments without the risk of dangerous chemicals, and see chemical reactions unfold right before your eyes. It’s an extraordinary way to deepen understanding and curiosity. Yet, this too doesn’t replace the teacher; it’s a tool that provides teachers with a new way to engage students and explain complex chemistry concepts more effectively. Another great example is the YouTube video ‘VR in Education: The Future of Learning,’ which explores the benefits of XR in the classroom. It shows how students can dive into history by walking through historical sites or explore human anatomy by stepping inside a larger-than-life human body. Again, it’s not about replacing teachers but augmenting the learning process. XR can transport students to places textbooks cannot and give them firsthand experiences that enhance their understanding. It provides a depth of learning that’s hard to achieve with traditional methods alone. Moreover, XR can accommodate different learning styles better. Some students learn by doing, some by seeing, and others by hearing. With XR, all these needs can be met in one place, making education more inclusive and accessible. But, despite the promise of XR, it’s essential to remember that it’s just another tool in our educational arsenal. No technology can replace the human connection, empathy, understanding, and passion a teacher brings to the classroom. The purpose of XR isn’t to replace these aspects but to support them. To conclude, it’s clear that XR has enormous potential to transform how we educate. However, this doesn’t mean it will replace our teachers. Instead, it’s set to work in tandem with traditional learning methods, adjusting the process to make it more engaging, immersive, and effective. Let’s look forward to an exciting future where technology and teachers work hand in hand to shape the minds of tomorrow! If you’ve had experiences with XR in education or have thoughts on its role in the future of learning, please share in the comments below. It’s always great to hear from you!  Image: Freepik